"The Gospel Digest" - W. Clarence Cooke, Editor
A personal letter from my friend and fellow, Clarence Cooke, brought word of the prospective publication--The Gospel Digest. Later the first copy of this new periodical came to hand. Knowing the editor and publisher of it as we do, we can have no doubt as to its aims and purposes to aid gospel digestion. It has been the privilege and pleasure of this editor to fight side by side with W. Clarence Cooke in many hard and hot battles for the truth. We know his mettle. He has the temper of a fighter, and is a wise general as well. That all may know the purpose of Gospel Digest we give in full the editorial statement of Brother Cooke in its first issue. Good fortune has come to the cause in Denver, Colorado, in the coming of W. Clarence Cooke to that city, and we wish for him and his work the greatest success, and for his publication a hearty reception and a wide circulation. Read his editorial:
"For some time this scribe has felt the need for a concise gospel publication as a medium through which the many fine articles from our gospel papers might be preserved in condensed form and given to the public. A condition exists today among readers of religious literature that exists in our preaching; few congregations will listen without becoming restless, to an hour's discourse, and few readers will read a long-drawn-out article on any religious subject. Therefore, it shall be the purpose of the Gospel Digest to give to its readers a digest of the articles that appear in our gospel papers dealing with the fundamentals of New Testament Christianity.
"The selection of an article from any one of our publications is not to be understood as an endorsement without reservation of the policies of said paper, but only an endorsement of the article published. On the other hand the editor shall publish excerpts from articles which teach error that the truth may be given in his comments.
"The policy of the Gospel Digest shall be understandable by reading the articles it carries and in most cases by knowing the preachers whose articles are published in its columns. The editorials will be personal, pointed and perhaps poignant. Because personalities timely and clearly stated are rather to be preferred than insinuations which are cunningly clothed in soft spoken verbiage.
"Over emphasis given to a movement or a policy which tends to avoid a dignified discussion between brethren on issue with which the church is faced, will destroy rather than build a defense against speculative theories which hinder the progress of the church.
"A policy that is sound scripturally, even though it demands the calling of names in marking those who teach speculative doctrines, is a safer, sounder course than one that seeks to avoid controversy between brethren.
"The Pioneers had to fight for every inch of ground they gained and this ground has been defended, protected and kept by men who dared to stand against the evils of speculation within the church and false teachings without its borders. Men like David Lipscomb, M. C. Kurfees, F. W. Smith, E. A. Elam, J. C. McQuiddy, and many others, were men of courage and conviction; while they were kind and considerate, when the need for reproof and rebuke arose, and when false and speculative teaching had to be exposed, there came from their lips and their pens some of the severest language this editor has ever heard from the pulpit or read in a religious journal. They had a battle to fight and there was no place for the soft-peddling and compromising baby prattle and boyish palaver that is now seen in some of our religious journals.
"Their courage and convictions as evidenced by their preaching from the pulpit and their writings in the religious journals have been an encouragement to the writer of this first editorial in the Gospel Digest, and he shall through the years endeavor to "stand where they stood" on the fundamentals of the gospel. To that end this little paper is dedicated.
Our Setup
"The Sherman Street Church where the editor preaches, and the West Cedar Church with Brother Luther G. Savage as preacher have made possible the publication of this first issue. We are depending on our friends over the country to keep it going. It will serve as a tract that can be used as a sort of reference by preachers, and to congregations, a medium through which to follow up their local teaching program. It will be designed to follow up radio programs of the local church. Brother Savage will be associate editor and circulation manager. He is a young man of considerable ability and foresight, consecrated to the cause of Christ.
"Other preachers in Denver will from time to time contribute to the pages of the Digest.
"The subscription rates are the very lowest possible for the present. Later we may be able to make it a 48-page monthly. We are anxious to get the reaction to such a plan from all into whose hands it may come. Address all communication to Gospel Digest, Box 4046, Denver, Colorado."