Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
February 19, 1959

Adventures In Good Reading

All Books Intended For Review In This Column Should Be Sent To C. R. Nichol, Clifton. Texas.

These Books May Be Ordered From The Gospel Guardian Company, P. O. Box 980, Lufkin, Texas.

AMERICAN CHURCHES and THE NEGRO, By W. D. Weatherford, Ph. D. $3.50, The Christopher Pub. Co., Boston, Massachusetts.

When I was a lad I read a book, "Uncle Tom's Cabin," In which was described what was said to be the treatment of the "SLAVES" in the Southern States of the U. S, A. It was an ugly picture drawn. I am not disposed to deny that there was "Slave Owners" who were very cruel to their slaves.

It's good to see the book by Mr. Weatherford. He recalls the roll of the white churches in the South during "slavery." He tells of numbers of churches, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Catholics, and others in the Slave owning States, where the "Slaves" were members with their "white owners." He tells of the whites making efforts to have all slaves religious, and white ministers preaching to them.

I am glad Mr. Weatherford wrote this book, and I trust it may have a wide circulation.

THE GREAT LIGHT, By Valdis Mezezes. $2.50. The Christopher Co., Boston, Massachusetts.

A book of sermons and meditations, filled with worthy thoughts. The "Great Light" is Christ. I was taught when a lad that pure light is the blending of the seven primary colors. In the Book of God we are taught to "shine" as lights, and that if we will add to our FAITH; Virtue, knowledge, temperance, godliness, brotherly-kindness, and charity — (love) we will shine. (2 Pet. 1:5-7.) Read the book, and meditate, and you will be a better man.