Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity

Protestants Bow To Pope

Ferrell Jenkins, St. Louis, Missouri

There was a time when it meant something to be a Protestant. It meant that you were "protesting" to something. The word "Protestant" as it is now used, originated at the second. Diet of Speier in 1529, when the Diet declared that the Roman Catholic faith was the only legal faith. The noble followers of Martin Luther read a PROTESTATION. From that time forward they were known as "Protestants".

It is interesting to note that "Protestantism" did not originate until about 1500 years after the time of Christ. In New Testament times the people who obeyed Christ were neither Catholic nor Protestant. They were just "Christians". That's all we are today, if we go back to the New Testament pattern and follow it.

March 29 (so-called, Easter Sunday), the "Protestants" laid aside their "protestations" of the corrupt Catholic doctrine, and observed one of the Catholic and pagan holidays. Easter originated after the time of Christ and His Apostles and is without Divine authority.

The truth about the matter, now, is that so-called "Protestantism" has failed to protest. They are practicing both Jewish and Catholic customs. Who ever heard of the New Testament church observing "Passover"? That Jewish feast was done away when the Old Covenant was abolished (Col. 2:14-17.)

In a world of religious confusion in which men consider, without any sound footing, Jews, Catholics, and Protestants as Christians, we realize the need for much Bible teaching. There could be no such thing, according to the New Testament, as a "Jewish Christian", in the sense as it is used today. It is true that some Jews became Christians, but there never was a person who was a member of both religions at the same time. Paul stated that such was an impossibility (Gal. 4:30.) There have been some Catholics and some Protestants converted to the Truth, but there can not be a "Catholic Christian", or a "Protestant Christian". We might add also that there is no such creature as a "church of Christ Christian". The church of the Lord is composed of Christians.

The church of our Lord holds to the unique New Testament teaching of meeting every first day of the week, in memory of the resurrection of Christ, and of observing the Lord's Supper (Acts 20:7). We thank God there are still "seven thousand" which have not bowed the knee to the Pope, nor kissed him!!