Adventures In Good Reading
These Books May Be Ordered From The Gospel Guardian Company. P. O. Box 980. Lufkin, Texas.
THE BIBLE ON THE LIFE HEREAFTER, By William Hendriksen. $3.95. Baker Book House.
In this book is a discussion of the oft asked question: `Will we know each other in Heaven." "Does The Soul Survive The Death of The Body?" and other interesting subjects. You may not agree with the author in all he says "Do The Wicked Go To Hell At Their Death?" "Will All Those Who Died In Infancy Be Saved?" In short about every question you can ask is discussed in this book. Order the book. You will enjoy and be profited by having it in your library.
THE HOLY SPIRIT, By Edwin H. Palmer, $3.50. Baker Book House.
I doubt if there is a Bible subject about which there has been so much said, and so little understood. (I think.) The author in this book begins with: "The Holy Spirit And The Trinity," and follows with the "Holy Spirit And Creation." He divides his discussion into fourteen sections. There are many people who seem to think the Holy Spirit is no more than an influence.
PICTURES OF THE APOSTOLIC CHURCH, By William M. Ramsay, $3.50. Baker Book House.
This book begins with the establishment of the church on the first Pentecost following the ascension of Christ, and gives the history of the apostles in their work through the book of Acts. In fact the book is practically a commentary on the work of the apostles as found in that book. The author give a deal of History of the Apostle Paul, and his work, as well as other men, with history of places where they labored. You will find the book filled with information. It will be very interesting to teachers in church work. Secure a copy of the book.