Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
May 21, 1959

All Books Intended For Review In This Column Should Be Sent To C. R. Nichol, Clifton. Texas.

These Books May Be Ordered From The Gospel Guardian Company. P. O. Box 980. Lufkin. Texas.

PILGRIM'S PROGRESS, By Bungram. $1.50. Devotional Reading, by Clara E. Murray who has been teaching school in Canada for several years has given us an abridged edition of Pilgrim's Progress. I predict for it a large sale for this book which has been so popular for more than two centuries. Few are the libraries where this book of Bunyan is not found, and now the abridged edition will make the sales greater. The short Biography of Mr. Bunyan is interesting, and adds to the book. Place a copy in reach of the hand of your children, and if you have not read it, do so, and profit thereby.

JESUS SPEAKS AGAIN, by Robert Lee Dougherty. Christer Publishing House, Boston, $2.50. A well executed book rather a departure from the style of most books on religious subjects. Dated A. D. 30 a paragraph quoted from the New Testament, else a few lines expressing what the author thinks Jesus taught; followed by another paragraph, or several paragraphs containing what he thinks Jesus would say were he speaking today to us. In some of the lines are found quotation from the New Testament, and some of them are wholly compositions of the author. The effort seems in such statements to contain an effort to use the same phraseology as is found in the New Testament. There are 28 chapters, each containing suggestions which are provocative. You will not only enjoy, but will be profited by reading the book.

THE DOCTRINE OF EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT, By Harry Buis. Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, $2.75. How prone some people are to search for something in the Bible by which to prove what they have decided it should teach! To prove their views, or opinion. I am told it is easy to believe what you wish to believe. If you read extensively on religious subjects, you will be certain to have noticed that it is seldom one now finds anything said about Punishment. Too, many transgressions of our Civil Law that were punished a few years ago, are now committed and no penalty inflicted for the transgression. If you read a book of Sermons printed fifty to seventy-five years ago, you will frequently find a sermon on Everlasting Punishment; but in what book of sermons, recently published, do you find a reference to PUNISHMENT? Often some preacher sends me a tract of "Sermon Outlines" he has printed, but I do not recall even ONE outline out of several thousand outlines on the subject of PUNISHMENT! How long has it been since you have heard a sermon on Everlasting punishment!

The author of this book makes the Bible his proof-book, and does not fail to bring to the fore what the Bible teaches! You should have a copy of the book.