Gospel Guardian Tell-Al- Gram
Office Notes — W. E. W.
MODERN CHURCHES AND THE CHURCH by J. Porter Wilhite is an outline study of the doctrines of the various denominations with Bible truth given in answer to sectarian errors. Included in the 240 page hardback are studies of the following religious bodies: Adventists, Assembly of God, Baptists (Primitive), Baptists (Missionary), Baptists (Free-Will), Catholic, Church of Brethren, Church of Christ Scientist, Church of God (Missouri Group), Church of God (Indiana Group), Church of God (Tennessee Group), Congregationalist, Disciples of Christ, Episcopalian, Evangelical, Friends (Quakers), Jehovah's Witnesses, Jews, Mormons, Lutherans, Mennonites, Methodists, Nazarenes, Pentecostals, Presbyterians, Salvation Army, Universalists. A real good reference book for your library, or a good study book for classes and sermon preparation. $3.50.
MEDICAL SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — A Reconciliation To Strengthen Our Faith by Curtis J. Torno, M. D. Now reprinted, 24 page tract. $10.00 per hundred. Dr. Torno received his M. D. degree from the University of Texas of Medicine in 1949. He has been in active practice of medicine in Pasadena, Texas since 1950. During this time he has also been active in preaching the gospel; teaching and lecturing before various groups, civic and otherwise, on subjects relating to both the Bible and the field of medicine. Brother Torno has served as regular minister for five different congregations, in addition to his other work and has preached or spoken on lectureships in many of the congregations in the Houston area. He serves as an elder in the Red Bluff congregation in Pasadena and preaches when the regular preacher is out in meetings. — Preface to tract by Luther Blackmon. Printed by The Gospel Guardian.
THE LAMPLIGHTER series of tracts contains twelve titles. R. L. Morrison, publisher of the series is closing out his old supply of these tracts in order to prepare for a new and revised printing. These tracts can now be purchased for $6.00 per hundred. A real bargain for good tracts. They are 31/2 X 5" in size. Average number of pages is 16. Here are the titles:
The Jews - Jerusalem - Prophecy R. L. Morrison Except Ye Be Converted R. L. Morrison
To Whom Shall We Go? E. C. Stallings The Sabbath Question R. L. Morrison
Tongues They Shall Cease Jerry F. Bassett The Church and The Lodge Jesse G. Jenkins
What Must I Do To Be Saved? Luther Blackmon Repentance R. L. Morrison
Salvation By Grace Jesse G. Jenkins Baptism Jerry F. Bassett
The Indwelling of The Holy Spirit Jerry F. Bassett Calling Upon The Name of The Lord Jerry F. Bassett
Order these tracts from The Lamplighter Press, Box 5238, Columbus, Ga. 31906 or from The Gospel Guardian.
FOR WOMEN ONLY . . . A note from Irene Sowell Foy thanks us for an order for a supply of her workbook "Woman - Her Blessings and Responsibilities." She observes, "I hope brother Wallace will see fit to use his influence to get many of these books into the hands of women, as a counter-attack on the vicious `Liberation of Women' movement. This is an attack on God-designed home and family life and is one of the most dangerous of enemy attacks." 75 THE PEACE SYMBOL: If you have printed or read material concerning the alleged origin of the "peace symbol" you will be interested in the following information submitted by Carl Allen, taken from Houston Chronicle, Sunday, Sept. 13, 1970, Zest, pg. 7: "WATCHEM: From the editorial offices of The New Yorker, — Fred Keefe says, 'On May 28, 1970, The Baptist Courier, a Greenville, S.C., publication edited by one John E. Roberts, published an editorial incorrectly attributing to us certain statements regarding the origin of the peace symbol. These statements have since been reprinted in a number of other publications. We did not publish any article on the symbol, nor did we — in any connection — make any of the statements in question. On June 3, we wrote the editor of the Baptist Courier, asking him to let us know on what page and in which issue of The New Yorker these statements are supposed to have appeared. We have had no reply.' Most informed persons now agree that the symbol originated in 1958 when representatives of the Committee for Non-Violent Action and their British counterpart, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, met in Connecticut. They wanted a universally accepted symbol which would express their joint goal of nuclear disarmament. They decided to use the combination of semaphores (visual signaling in which the operator uses a flag in each hand) for 'N' and 'D' standing for the words 'nuclear disarmament,' the whole surrounded by a circle."
tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt Reporter — ROBERT A. BOLTON
(All news involving churches and preachers in the Western States of ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA, IDAHO, NEVADA, OREGON, UTAH, and WASHINGTON should be sent to me at 126 West "E" Street, Ontario, California 91761).
Preaching The Word:
Arizona: HOMER HAILEY, of Temple Terrace, Florida, at Miller Valley in Prescott, July 13-19.
California: FLOYD THOMPSON, of Fairview in Garden Grove, at Lodi, August 15-20, and at Del Rosa in San Bernardino, Oct. 26-Nov. 1. . . CLYDE GOFF, of Palm Springs, conducted a series of Bible Studies in the American Legion Hall in Merna, Nebraska, August 23-30, as an effort to start a congregation there. Results were most encouraging with two baptized and several indicating a sincere interest in the truth. . . H. OSBY WEAVER, of Canoga Park, at Venice, September 14-19. . . MILTON L. ANDERSON, of Roseburg, Oregon, at Lancaster, Sept. 16-23. . . HAROLD TURNER, of Greenwood, Arkansas, at Tustin —
Santa Ana, Oct. 11-16. . . R. J. Stevens, of San Bernardino, at Ontario, Oct. 541. . O. MAX BRADFORD, local preacher in Montclair, will do the preaching there in a gospel meeting, Oct. 18-25... HOMER WALKER, of Bakersfield, at 1271 E. Santa Clara in Ventura, August 16-23.
Nevada: FLOYD THOMPSON, of Fairview in Garden Grove, California, at Sparks, Nevada, Sept. 21-27.
Oregon: FLOYD THOMPSON, of Fairview in Garden Grove, California, at Hermiston, Oregon, Oct. 12-18.
A Correction Made:
In my last report I stated that "JOHN J. MILLER, JR. moves from Bremerton, Washington to Montebello, California around September 1." I have since been informed that Bro. Miller has decided to remain in Bremerton and will not be moving as reported. I suppose this means the church in Montebello is still interested in securing a full time preacher. — R. A. B.
On The Move:
CLYDE GOFF, who has been working with the church in Palm Springs, California, will move to Escondido, California, January 1, 1971, with the purpose and intent of establishing a new congregation in that city. His support will be supplied by the church in El Cajon, California.
Preacher Needed:
The church in Palm Springs, California, meeting at 68192 Ramon Road, will be in need of a preacher around January 1, 1971. Those who might be interested in working with this small group of saints in this resort city of Southern California may contact WALTER CLARK, 740 Paseo El Mirador, Palm Springs, California 92262. Phone 714-352-1522.
A New Work Begun:
Recently a concentrated effort was begun in establishing a new congregation in the city of San Pedro, California. At the present, services are being conducted at 2:30 P.M. each Lord's Day, at 1536 S. Cabrillo in the Seventh Day Adventist Building. H. OSBY WEAVER, of Canoga Park, is doing the preaching.
BY THE WAY: "If man evolved from the monkey it looks like he has a round-trip ticket."
tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt CAPSULE SERMON — Carl A. Allen
Box 724, Lufkin, Texas 75901
"For the grace of God hath appeared, bringing salvation to all men," Tit. 2:11. In times past, God's law was extended to a "nation" and not to "all men;" but now, we find all have an equal opportunity to salvation. The Gospel is God's power to salvation, Rom. 1:16, and is extended to all the world, Mt. 28:19-20. John described this salvation as being to "whosoever will," Rev. 22:17. If this was the only passage read from the word of God, one might conclude that all men would be saved — universal salvation! When, though, I observed the principle of "again it is written," Mt. 4:7, I learned that universal salvation is not the answer.
"For narrow is the gate, and straitened the way, that leadeth unto life, and few are they that find it." Mt. 7:14. Now, I know that all men will not be saved and that there will be only a few to enter the gates of heaven. This was so in the days of Noah, Lot and the destruction of Jerusalem. We here, are not talking of a physical salvation, though, we are thinking of a spiritual salvation — entrance into heaven. Jesus says that only few will be saved! We are anxious to ask the question: "Why?" The answer rings in our ears, loud and clear.
"Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my father who is in heaven." Mt. 7:21. Our salvation is conditioned upon doing the "will of God," and if we do not conform to the will of God we shall most assuredly be lost. The reason for doing the will of the father is — we shall be judged by the word of God, Jno. 12:48. Thus, we must know the word of God and obey it to be permitted entrance into the joys of heaven, Rom. 6:17-18.
We now, have passed from the "grace of God" being extended to "all" men to the limitation that only a "few" will be saved. The reason for only a few being saved is; there will be few who will "do" the will of the father.
Attention N.T.S.U. And T.W.U. Students!
The East Side church of Christ in Denton, Texas meets at 2109 Shawnee (corner of University and Shawnee). The meeting house is one mile east of T.W.U. and on the south side of University. We encourage students in Denton to worship and work with us in the things of the Lord. If any parents would like for me to contact students in Denton, just send me their name and address. — Jesse G. Jenkins, 1813 Carlton, Phone 387-7163, Denton, Texas 76201.
AMERICAN STANDARD VERSION: Our best sellers in the ASV — (1) The tan hard cover, durable cloth, New Testament No. 84. $1.80. (2) The whole Bible with ASV concordance, blue limp cover, size 4 X 6 X 4, No. 90, $2.25.
WANT TO TEACH PRE-SCHOOLERS ABOUT THE CHURCH: Our Know The Truth series, Book 1, Part 9, 10, 11 & 12 offer an excellent study for youngsters, about the church.
While on vacation in September, my wife and I had occasion to worship with two faithful churches in the lower peninsula of Michigan. Clare, Mich., gateway to the North, is situated about in the center of the state where busy 1-75 leading from the Detroit area swings north toward Mackinac Island, Sault Ste. Marie, and other popular vacation spots. The church meets at 6th and Pine Sts., and is seeking a preacher who likes the challenge of working with a small group. There is some money on hand, but some "outside" support will be needed.
Faithful brethren in the Holland-Grand Haven area expect to move soon into a new building where heavily-traveled Mercury Rd. intersects 160th Av. The men of the congregation have done most of the work, and will have an adequate building with plenty of room for parking and future expansion. This faithful group is in the area where thousands of vacationers come each spring to Holland's tulip festival, and to other costal resorts along the shores of Lake Michigan.
When traveling in Michigan, give these two faithful churches your support and encouragement. For further information, contact Harley Worstell, 2001 E. Ludington Dr., Clare, Mich., phone 386-9503, or his son, Elwood Worstell, 180 Greenly St., Holland, Mich., phone (616) 396-8596. — Samuel D. Heaton, 7931 E. 33rd St., Indianapolis, Ind. 46226.
ROBERT H. FARISH — AUSTIN, TEXAS Fourteen have been identified two restored since the first of the year with the Wonsley Dr. church and last Sunday two were baptized. Students and visitors to Austin who need transportation to church may call Gary Warren: 454-3309 or Harold Hammon: 444-6026.
Robert H. West:
After a year and a half in El Cerrito, Calif., and over 15 years in the West, I moved to begin work with the Southside church in Kansas City, Mo., on Aug. 30th. The church here has good elders, a young and zealous membership, comfortable facilities, — all the ingredients for a prosperous work. I will preach in a gospel meeting here Sept. 28th — Oct. 2nd. — 7816 Pasco, Kansas City, Mo. 64131.
New Church:
"There is a new church begun at Somerville, Alabama. Brother Irvin Lee is the regular preacher. Brother Granville Tyler and Brother Wayne Moore have preached in two, three-night meetings. Attendance on Sundays runs around 18 to 20." — Roy S. Fudge, Box 6, Laceys Spring, Ala. 35754.