The Overflow
Who will sponsor?
Brother Otis Gatewood is making an appeal through some of the papers for some congregation to "take the responsibility of sending" brother Howard Schug and his wife to Germany. Brother Schug is a retired faculty member of Abilene Christian College, and has the respect and affection of all who know him. His wife is one of the most ardent and energetic proponents of Christian Science to be found in this area. She is not a member of the Lord's church, but is a follower of Mary Baker Eddy. Now what congregation will be first to volunteer and "sponsor" this fine Christian Science lady to propagate her beliefs in Germany? Brother Gatewood, with his usual cavalier disregard for doctrinal considerations, is anxious for her to come.
Dorothy Dix - Moses E. Lard Nearly everybody at one time or another has glanced through the "Advice to the Lovelorn" column written by Dorothy Dix. Miss Dix died last month at the age of ninety. Brother Olen Hicks who is working on a biography of the great Moses E. Lard tells us that Dorothy Dix was a grand-daughter of that famous preacher and writer. Lard was famous for his "Quarterly," Miss Dix for her quips. One of her most famous was the reply she gave to a young lady who wrote her, "I spent the week-end with my boy friend in Atlantic City. Some of my friends say I did wrong. Did I?" Miss Dix replied, "Probably."
Tobacco Some of our brethren not in the Northwest are making quite an issue of the tobacco question. It has even gone so far in some places as to disrupt the peace of the church. One of the strong anti-tobacco brethren, W. W. McCollum, is issuing rather widespread challenges, demanding that some tobacco smoking preacher affirm: "The scriptures teach that the use of tobacco by members of the body of Christ is a pleasing practice in the sight of God." Brother W. Wallace Layton, esteeming the peace of the church more important than either the use or the non-use of tobacco, has submitted a counter proposition setting forth their practice, namely: "The scriptures teach that the use of tobacco by members of the body of Christ is a work of the flesh, such as committing adultery and drunkenness, and all who use it must be disfellowshipped."
History of "a job well done"
We publish in this issue the first of a series of two articles by brother Judson Woodbridge concerning the history of premillennial influences in Harding College. It is our present impression that the school has a much healthier attitude toward that false doctrine than was the case during the years of which brother Woodbridge writes. While it is evident that there has been, and probably still is, some sympathy toward the doctrine on the part of some of the faculty, we have confidence that men like James Bales and W. B. West know the danger of the heresy and will not fail to teach against it. But it certainly cannot create confidence in the school for any responsible representative to deny that there ever was any premillennial influence or sympathy in the school. Brother Woodbridge's articles speak for themselves on that point.
Looks can be deceptive We knew a Texas church a while back that had to choose between two preachers. They finally settled on one because, as one of the deacons explained later, "he was so much nicer looking than the other man." There are few animals in this world handsomer than a baby skunk.
Don't try it, Miss You may be as bright as a signal-light In a starlight sky on a moonless night;
You may be sweet as a sugar-beet Slow-cooled in rippling water;
And you may live an angel's life—
A perfect, perfect, perfect life—
And not be bright as a bachelor's wife, Nor sweet as a spinster's daughter. — Jack G. Dunn
Get together, brethren In the Gospel Advocate of November 29, the editor of that journal praises J. D. Tant as a champion and defender of the present institutional orphan home arrangement, and implies that the Guardian's editor has "drifted" from his father's position. In the December 20 issue of the Advocate, brother G. C. Brewer, staff writer, portrays the same J. D. Tant as illogical and inconsistent in condemning orphan homes at the very time he was working for one of them! May we suggest that our brother editor and his staff writer at least get together on their story. Which way do they want to tell it? Maybe we can help them a little bit by reminding them that J. D. Tant sought to raise money for the orphan homes on the basis of their being "clearing houses"—simple emergency arrangements to care for homeless children until a suitable Christian home could be found for them. Will the Advocate give us some idea as to how many children are being "cleared" each month through Tennessee Orphan Home?
Darrell Sprott Only recently did we learn of the tragic death (highway accident) last fall of brother Darrell B. Sprott of Killeen, Texas. Brother Sprott was perhaps the leading influence in our Nolanville Camp Meeting last summer, and he will be sorely missed in the years ahead. We salute the memory of a fine and noble Christian, and we join with all who knew him in mourning his untimely death. Brother Joe Sprott, Darrell's father, has taken the lead in the Nolanville meetings from their beginning more than sixty years ago.
Auld Lang Syne Under the wide and starry sky Dig my grave and let me lie.
Glad did I live, and gladly die, And I lay me down with a will.
This be the verse you gave for me:
Here he lies where he longed to be;
Home is the sailor, home from the sea, And the hunter home from the hill.
— R. L. Stevenson
One Sweetly Solemn Thought One sweetly solemn thought Comes to me o'er and o'er:
I am nearer home today Than I ever have been before.
Nearer my Father's house Where many mansions be;
Nearer the great white throne, Nearer the crystal sea.
— Phoebe Cary