Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
September 15, 1955


Chester Estes, Sheffield, Alabama, Sept. 1: "I closed a good meeting recently with the Cleveland congregation, Fayette County, Alabama. Brother Kelley Doyle, Henderson, Tennessee, led the song services. Our work with the Red Rock church here continues well. I speak four times each Lord's Day. I have a broadcast every Lord's Day morning on Station WVNA, at 7:30, which covers several states."

Ward Hogland, 1900 Jenny Lind, Fort Smith, Arkansas, Sept. 1: "I began my eighth year with this good church this month. Six responded to the invitation in the meeting at Blytheville, Arkansas. I go next to Stark City, Missouri to work with Billye Fielder and the church there. This meeting is scheduled for the middle of October. The work here at Park Hill is encouraging. Don Beck of Purcell, Oklahoma preached during my absence the last two Sundays."

Quentin A. Dunn, Box 1046, Seagraves, Texas, Aug. 31: "I have recently finished a meeting in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. Attendance was outstanding every night, almost without exception. Three were restored and one was baptized. My next meeting will be in Bellevue, Nebraska, October 9-18. I am now in position to arrange several meetings for the coming year."

E. Lacy Porter, Ridgely, Tennessee, Sept. 3: "Five were baptized and one restored during the recent meeting at Gardner, near Martin, Tennessee. I have promised to be in a meeting with the Luna congregation, near Gainesville, Missouri, beginning Friday night, September 23. I have time for about two more meetings next year."

Herbert L. Coffman, 1008 E. Franklin, Hillsboro, Texas. Sept. 5: "Yesterday marked the beginning of our third year with the Hillsboro church. During the past two years there has been a total of 110 additions. A fifth elder, Brother L. O. Kirkpatrick, has just been appointed. We are in the middle of a personal work program, and at the present time we are preparing to take a religious survey of the town and surrounding countryside. I am available for a couple of meetings in the fall."