Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
May 5, 1955


Rufus R. Clifford, Box 282, Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, April 21: "The meeting with the Trinity Lane Church, of Nashville, Tennessee, was attended by large crowds from the first to the last. Five were baptized and one restored. Thomas Whitfield preaches there. I began last Sunday with the McDill Avenue Church, of Tampa, Florida. Paul Andrews is the preacher."

J. Leathel Roberts, Austin, Texas: "The Brentwood congregation, 6701 Arroyo Seca & Ruth Streets, Austin 5, Texas, continues to be blessed. Wednesday night, April 6, we began mid-week classes with 129 present. April 13 we had 141. We contemplate not less than 150 this coming Wednesday night. April 10 we had seven additions to the congregation; two to identify themselves (one of these was also restored) and five baptisms. Sunday, April 17, we had five additions: four to identify themselves and one to be baptized. This brings our present membership to about 272, or eight times our original number, 34, which we began with 31 months ago. We are hoping to have multiplied our original number by ten by the time we are three years old, September 14. Yesterday our Bible classes numbered 267 in attendance. We recently sat a record of 291. Both of public assemblies, Sunday morning, were well attended. But, for the first time, the 8:30 assembly outnumbered the 10:40 assembly. Our auditorium is almost filled each Sunday morning. Brother Paul McClung will be with us May 2-8."

Preacher Available

Jesse Lewis, 6243 Delaware, Hammond, Indiana: "I want to change locations about July or sooner. I am interested in locating with any live working congregation, or in any mission field. I am 38 years old, have a wife, two daughters, 14 and 15, and two sons, one and seven years old. I have preached about nine years in California, Oklahoma, Texas and Indiana. My successor here has not been chosen. The church here owns a printing press, has a thirty minute radio program, and will be moving into their new building in June. They also have a meeting scheduled at this time with Brother Mattox, Harding College, doing the preaching. I feel like this is a most excellent opportunity for a good strong experienced preacher. There are thousands here who have never heard the truth insofar as I know and very little effort is being put forth to teach them."

J. T. Marlin, Sweetwater, Texas: "I closed a meeting at East Side in Tulsa Sunday evening with 22 responses. Nine were baptized. This was one of the best attended meetings that I have preached in in a long time. Delmar Owens is beginning in his tenth year with this good church and doing an excellent work. Eugene Gilmore, the assistant minister and song leader and one of the best. With these two men and a fine eldership, the church has a wonderful future. My next meeting will be in Oak Ridge, Tennessee."

Charles F. House, Lomita, California, April 11: "Our Spring lectureship closed April 9, and we are happy to report that much and lasting good was done during this effort. Interest, enthusiasm, and contributions are the highest in the history of this congregation. The theme of this meeting was 'Christian Duties.' We thank the Lord for such men as Hugh Shira of Compton, Vance Carruth of Southgate, L. L. Stout of Wilmington, Jay Durbin of Buena Park, Ford Carpenter of Long Beach, Floyd Embree of Ontario, and H. M. Harriman of Hermosa Beach, all of California, speakers respectively, who had a part in this series of meetings. When in the general Los Angeles area, come by and worship with the Lomita Church of Christ which meets at 2041 West Pacific Coast Highway, Lomita, California."