Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
February 16, 1956
NUMBER 40, PAGE 12-13a

Reading The Bulletins

Charles A. Holt, Box 365, Franklin, Tennessee

Three Noble Traits

"Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath." — James 1:19.

1. Be Swift To Hear.

— Have a receptive mind.

— Be teachable.

— Listen attentively to the reading and preaching of the word of God. _

2. Be Slow To Speak.

— An old proverb says: "Lend to every man thine ears, but few thy tongue."

— Guard the tongue. "Don't throw your tongue into high gear before you get your brains going." — Be slow to speak, when angry; and when you've nothing to say.

— "The most ferocious monster alive has his den just behind the teeth."

3. Be Slow To Wrath.

— Don't get peeved so easily.

— Temper is a valuable possession, so don't lose it. — To lose one's physical balance and sprawl is humiliating, but it is worse to lose one's mental and moral poise.

— Jesus, before Pilate, "Held his peace."

— The Gospel Visitor, Tulsa, Oklahoma

Shocked And Chagrined:

I was SHOCKED when I read this in the Louisville paper: "He sees a real theological connection between ragtime and religion; and so deep goes this conviction that he has had a New Orleans jazz band playing for Sunday morning services in his Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Oxford."

But I was SHOCKED AND CHAGRINED when I read this in the Nashville paper: "West End Church of Christ has invited Lipscomb, Peabody and Vanderbilt students to share the facilities of the recreation room in their Bible School Annex. Available for banquets and special meetings, the room also provides television, ping-pong, and other recreation equipment."

The former concerns a preacher who obviously has never been converted and also a church which makes no pretense of being guided by the word of God. The latter is a church which is supposed to be governed and guided by the Bible.

When churches of Christ get big enough to even talk about building a recreation room, they are too big. When they get the room built, they ARE NO LONGER A CHURCH OF CHRIST.

The only difference I see in the news items above is, in one you can see the jazz band in person, while in the other you must "tune them in." — Park Street Messenger, Bowling Green, Kentucky, A. C. Grider, Editor.

The Art Of Self Defense

"Do you think it wrong for me to learn the art of self-defense" asked a young man of his minister.

"Certainly not," answered the minister. "I learned it in youth myself, and I have found it of great value during my life."

"Indeed, sir! Did you learn the old English system or Sullivan's system?"

"Neither. I learned Solomon's system."

"Solomon's system?"

"Yes, you will find it laid down in the first verse of the fifteenth chapter of Proverbs, 'A soft answer turneth away wrath.' It is the best system of self-defense of which I know."

Correcting False Impressions

True or false: During an "invitation" song, everyone the preacher looks at is expected to come forward. FALSE! The preacher is no judge, and it is not his invitation, but the Lord's. Though there may be someone in whom he has special, personal interest for whom he is watching, he looks at everybody, in an effort to be ready to serve whoever may come to the front. — West End Journal, L. Wesley Jones.


The title of "Reverend" occurred the first time June 11, 1657, and was given to "Reverend Pastor Master Thomas Blake, minister of the Farnsworth, England church." The next notice we have of "Reverend" was in 1693, "Reverend Samuel Collins." — College Avenue Reminder, Lubbock.

Against His Inclination

Dad tried his best, when I was young, To fix it in my mind

That "as the tiny twig is bent, So is the tree inclined";

And when he'd lay me 'cross his knee On punishment intent,

I used to cry, "Say, dad, look out Or I'll grow up all bent!"

And when he'd say, "Come on, young man, And weed this onion bed,"

Just when I'd planned a fishing trip With Jimmy Jones instead,

I used to scowl until my face Was black as black could be,

And mutter, "When I do grow up, I'll be humpbacked — you'll see!"

But years have come and years have gone, With many a care and trouble

With many a load that for a time Has bent me nearly double;

But always I've sprung back again Before it was too late;

For, though he made me bend a bit,

'Twas dad who made me straight.

The above poem is respectfully dedicated to those parents who believe in "sparing the rod" and letting the children grow up without restraint. This idea of removing all restraint and giving the kids a free rein is condemned by the kids themselves when they grow up — Selected.

The Old Story

"Tomorrow," he promised his conscience;

"Tomorrow I mean to believe;

Tomorrow I'll think as I ought to;

Tomorrow my Savior receive.

Tomorrow I'll conquer the habits That hold one from heaven away."

Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow —

Thus day after day it went on;

Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow —

Till youth like a vision was gone.

Till age and his passions had written The message of fate on his brow;

And forth from the shadows came Death, With the pitiless syllable, "Now!"

"What will you do with Jesus?"

The call comes low and clear, The solemn words are sounding

Now in your listening ear, Immortal life's in the question,

And joy through Eternity.

Then, what will you do with Jesus?

What will your answer be?