Why Not Start Something?
Brother Gardner, in his enthusiasm for starting things, makes the following statement in Truthseeker:
There are perhaps two thousand students enrolled in our colleges each year. If these pupils
should become possessed with the spirit of Christ, the spirit of service, even as it is possible for them to do, many more of them would become preachers, start other Bible schools, orphan homes, or religious papers, or do some other works far-reaching in results.
How would it do for some of them or even all of them, to go into all the world and preach the gospel and start a few real New Testament churches? This little matter of starting churches seemed to be overlooked by our good brother Gardner, unless it was implied in the last statement: "or do some other works far-reaching in results." I object to the only divine institution we have being set off in a corner of uncertainties. Let us not make the church only a peg on which to hang things.
— Gospel Advocate, August 27, 1936, page 829