Why Did You Quit?
If you want a real scrap Just find a fellow who has ceased to devote full time to studying, teaching privately and in classes, and preaching — depending upon the church for his support — and ask him why he has quit preaching. Wowww!!
Some will charge you with having a professional preacher concept; some will say they are preaching more now than they ever did before; some say brethren just will not take their straight preaching; and some will say the support was inadequate. Not many will admit that they were poorly equipped for the work in the first place, either in training or in desire; or that they were emotionally unsuited for the job. Practically none will admit that they took up preaching as a means of livelihood, and then found they could make more money selling insurance, etc.
Perhaps some do have a professional concept, and think the back-slapping, counseling, pastors the only true preachers; but Bible students know better, and our subject question indicates no such error. As for ones preaching more, while spending eight hours a day making a living — this indicates a poor use of time while supported fully by the church. Speech making lacks much being the full-time studying, praying, soul-seeking work of which I write.
There have ever been some brethren who would not take the kind of preaching they needed; but the well- prepared man, whose attitude and presentation is what it ought to be, will move on to work with people who are anxious to hear the truth. If brethren CAN NOT support a preacher he may have to do other work for awhile, and this is to his credit. But when they WILL NOT adequately support him, he should work with others who will, or he will find his lifes work crippled by divided attention, and inadequate preparation. (See editorial, p. 2)
To me, preaching is a full-time, life-sized work. It demands complete allegiance. A dedicated pianist could lack appointments, and find it necessary to do other work. But he would never take a job that would injure or stiffen his fingers. Nor will a dedicated preacher allow side-line activities to detract from his continual preparation and readiness, nor block his opportunities, to preach the word of God.
A man who really wants to preach will grasp every training opportunity available. He takes formal education, not because it qualifies per Se, but he feels it will help him do a better job. Voice training, singing schools, debate classes, word studies, Greek, rapid reading courses — anything to improve. And first, last, always — Bible study. Not just sermon preparation, but searching, objective Bible study that builds background for years to come. The man who has this kind of interest in preaching is not going to quit.
Are there false brethren? Certainly! Poor support? Sometimes; and more frequent if you eat Canadian bacon. Problems? Always! Hard work? for all who really want to succeed. But say, fellow, WHY DID YOU START PREACHING??